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Why can’t I see my kids after divorce?

Why cant I see my kids after divorce?

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About Farhana Shahzady

Farhana is a Director, Solicitor, Collaborative Lawyer and Mediator at Family Law Partners.

As well as dealing with the full range of matrimonial, co-habitation and separation issues, Farhana’s expertise is in contested financial disputes at court.  Farhana is accustomed to dealing with the full spectrum of court applications in relation to matrimonial finance.   She is also committed, whenever possible, to negotiating settlements since that invariably helps to reduce conflict and assists with the rehabilitative process.

Farhana also has considerable expertise in the full spectrum of children disputes, representing both mothers and fathers in issues over child arrangements.

She is committed to empowering her clients so that they are able to understand and take control of the process with a view to moving forward constructively.  Farhana is also a trained collaborative lawyer who recognises the importance of problem solving rather than point scoring in sensitive family matters.

A dedicated and forward-thinking family lawyer, Farhana holds various positions that reflect her commitment to the profession together with her dispute resolution credentials. She is a Resolution Director (one of only 20 nationwide), a member of Resolution’s Publications Committee and sits on the Resolution National Committee. Farhana is a skilled Collaborative Lawyer and is a member of North London Pod and South West London Pod.

A passionate advocate of women’s rights, Farhana is a volunteer family law advisor at Rights of Women. She also regularly contributes to national and regional media stories on the subject of family law and co-authored the Resolution Family Law Handbook which launched in 2020. Farhana also presents on financial remedies for Resolution and has contributed to Westlaw Encyclopaedia, Reuters Masterclass and Expert Guides.

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