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Want to be a Divorce Club Speaker?

Please review the detail on this page.

If after reading you wish to apply to be a guest speaker at Divorce Club please click on the green button below and Apply Now.

The Divorce Club Community

Join our growing community. 

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Data Updated May 2023

Divorce Club Topics

We invite Divorce Knowledge Experts from across the 5 key areas of divorce;



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Incl Dating

Event types

We currently deliver the following types of events;


These are very specific events. Where our guest speaker attempts to solve, or at least explore one specific issue. 

Example: “How to negotiate with a narcissist”.


Question and Answer session (also known as Ask Me Anything) with our guest speaker answering questions on their topic (or indeed anything). 

Example: “Q&A with UK Divorce Lawyer”.

Coaching session

Typically where a coach effectively delivers a live coaching session so that others can also learn through that experience.

Example: “Coaching session with XXX”.

Divorce Story

A deep dive into a person’s divorce life story. This may be with one of our members, or by one of our divorce knowledge experts. There’s no call-to-action with these events, but they are a powerful way to connect with the community and may potentially be followed by another event such as a Mastermind that has a call-to-action.

Example: “How XXX overcame abuse and moved on to build a beautiful life”.

Product Promotion

A Product launch event. Do not select this option in your Application form unless you have already agreed that with Divorce Club.

Example: “XXX Product Launch”.

Complete Application

Every application is reviewed by a human and replied to by email.

Note: In the event that you get an error message when click on the button above – that means we have reached our maximum applications this month. Please re-apply next month.