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What is a grey divorce? And how to get through it?

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So you’ve made it through decades of marriage only to find yourself facing divorce in your 50s or 60s. Welcome to the world of “gray divorce.”

You’re not alone—the divorce rate for people over 50 has more than doubled since 1990. Maybe the nest is empty, and you’ve realized you have little in common anymore. Or perhaps there’s been an affair. Whatever the reason, ending a long-term marriage is incredibly painful. But the good news is you can get through it and come out the other side, sometimes even happier and healthier than before.

The key is accepting this new reality, taking care of yourself, leaning on your support network, and making a plan to rebuild your life.

What Is a Gray Divorce? Defining the Phenomenon

A “gray divorce” refers to couples over 50 years old calling it quits. While divorce rates have declined for younger couples, the divorce rate for Americans 50 and older has roughly doubled since 1990. If you’re going through this, know that you’re not alone.

There are a few reasons why gray divorces are becoming more common. People are living longer, so they’re not keen on being in an unhappy marriage for another 20-30 years. Adult children are often grown, so the desire to “stay together for the kids” disappears.

Retirement also means more time together, and for some that realization causes issues. Financial independence, especially for women, makes the possibility of divorce more feasible.

Whatever the reasons, gray divorce can be an emotional experience. You’re not just ending a marriage, you’re unraveling a lifetime of shared experiences, memories, and possessions. It may help to speak to others who have navigated a late-in-life split. Join an online support group, or see a counselor. Be kind to yourself through the process.

While the logistics of a gray divorce can be complicated, especially with health or financial issues in play, many find happiness and fulfillment on the other side. This new chapter of life is yours to write – take things day by day, embrace new opportunities, and rediscover who you are. The sun will rise again.

Causes and Risk Factors for Gray Divorce

As we age, our relationships change in many ways. For some couples, years of marriage ultimately end in divorce. Known as “gray divorce,” splits among older couples are becoming more common.

Lack of Intimacy

After decades together, many couples struggle to maintain an emotional and physical connection. Resentments build up, passion fades, and spouses grow apart. For some, an extramarital affair signals the death knell of the relationship.

Pursuing Independence

Often one partner desires more independence and freedom as they age. They feel they have sacrificed enough over the years raising families and building careers. Now they want to pursue their own interests and adventures before it’s too late. Their spouse, however, may not share these feelings.

Financial Concerns

Money worries frequently drive older couples apart. Disagreements over spending, savings, inheritance, and retirement funds can damage relationships. Sometimes financial abuse comes into play as well.

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Emptiness and Boredom

After children move out and careers wind down, couples don’t always transition well into this new life stage together. They find they have little in common and lack purpose or meaning. Rather than work to reconnect, it’s easier for some to end the relationship.

The good news is gray divorce doesn’t have to be the end. With counseling or mediation, some couples are able to address issues, rediscover their love, and start a new chapter. But for those determined to split, finding purpose and meaning on your own terms is possible. This new beginning can lead to happiness and adventure, regardless of age.

Coping With and Moving on After a Gray Divorce

Coping with a gray divorce can be difficult, but the good news is you have the life experience and wisdom to get through it. Here are some tips to help you move on:

Focus on self-care. Make sure to prioritize exercise, sleep, and healthy meals. Engage in hobbies and activities that you find meaningful or enjoyable. Spend time with supportive friends and family. Taking good care of yourself will help you manage the stress and find inner strength.

Reflect on the relationship. While it may be painful, reflecting on what went wrong can help you process the end of your marriage and gain perspective. You may gain insights into yourself and what you want in your next relationship. Speaking to a counselor or therapist can also help you work through your feelings.


Explore your interests. Now is the time to pursue new hobbies and activities that you’ve always wanted to try. Take a class on something you’ve been curious about. Join a local club to meet like-minded people. Trying new things will boost your confidence and help you move forward.

Don’t rush into dating. Give yourself time to heal before jumping into a new relationship. Make sure you’ve addressed any lingering feelings or hurts from your marriage before dating again. When you do start dating, look for partners with similar life experiences and interests.

Consult a financial advisor.

Ending a long-term marriage often means making important financial decisions. Speaking to a financial advisor can help you understand your options regarding division of assets, pensions, insurance, and more. They can also help you create a plan to ensure your financial security and independence going forward.

While a gray divorce is a major life transition, focusing on self-care, reflection, new interests, and financial stability will help you heal and find happiness again. Be patient with yourself through the process. In time, you will be able to embrace this new chapter of life with wisdom and grace.


So there you have it. A gray divorce is splitting from your spouse later in life, and while it’s never easy, many have navigated it successfully.

The keys are staying focused on yourself, leaning on your support network, making pragmatic financial and legal decisions, and looking toward the future. Yes, the life you knew is over, but a new chapter awaits.

Though the path ahead is uncertain, many find a renewed sense of freedom and independence. Take things day by day, be gentle with yourself, and know that you will get through this difficult transition. The gray may be in your hair, but the rest of your life is still yours to write. Stay strong—happier times are on the horizon!

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