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Legal Papers

Purchase these templates and save yourself a small fortune in legal fees.

Legal templates

Child Support Agreement

A ‘Child Support Agreement’ is a crucial document that helps outline the financial responsibilities of each parent towards the well-being of their children.

Download the document. Adjust the details to meet your exact needs. Print and sign in the presence of witnesses or a notary. Keep copies of the signed agreement for each party. Periodically review the agreement.



  • Formalize financial agreements
  • Clearly outlined financial terms
  • Payment frequency
  • Method of payment
  • How future changes will be done
  • Medical costs
  • Educational expenses
  • Duration of payments
  • And more…


  • Clarity for all participants
  • Minimizes potential conflicts
  • Reduced legal fees


The average cost to have your document prepared by a traditional lawyer is $270 per hour.

Co-Parenting Plan

A ‘Child Support Agreement’ is a crucial document that helps outline the financial responsibilities of each parent towards the well-being of their children.

Download the document. Adjust the details to meet your exact needs. Print and sign in the presence of witnesses or a notary. Keep copies of the signed agreement for each party. Periodically review the agreement.



  • Parenting schedule
  • Custody arrangements
  • Visitation schedule
  • Holiday plans
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Joint decision-making topics
  • Communication guidelines
  • Emergency protocols
  • Dispute management
  • And more…


  • Clarity for all participants
  • Minimizes potential conflicts
  • Reduced legal fees


The average cost to have your document prepared by a traditional lawyer is $270 per hour.

Separation Agreement

A ‘Separation Agreement’ is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by a couple who are going through a separation or divorce.

It covers various aspects of their lives, such as division of assets and other important matters. Using this template can be a helpful tool in facilitating the negotiation process and reaching a mutual agreement. 

Download the document. Adjust the details to meet your exact needs. Print and sign in the presence of witnesses or a notary. Keep copies of the signed agreement for each party. Periodically review the agreement.


  • Date of agreement
  • Division of debts
  • Division of marital assets
  • Specify health insurance 
  • Tax matters
  • Dispute management


  • Clarity for all participants
  • Minimizes potential conflicts
  • Reduced legal fees


The average cost to have your document prepared by a traditional lawyer is $270 per hour.

Coaching templates

The Vow-Break

This is a powerful coaching tool designed to help a person escape the shackles of the past after they have completed their legal divorce or separation. 

There is a standard version, and a pro-version of the Vow-Break. Both are included in this package. The pro-version is truly liberating but is beyond most. If you are brave give it a go, it will be life-changing.



  • Standard version
  • Pro version
  • Various relationship exercises


  • Leap forward in your life
  • Achieve personal forgiveness 
  • Forgive your ex
  • Acknowledge your own growth
  • A healthy ‘clean’ end to the past
  • Awaken yourself to opportunity