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The Psychology of Divorce – Dealing with difficult emotions

20th Feb 2023 | 8.30pm (UK time)


This new series of events will be hosted by Divorce Club co-founder and clinical pyshologist Dr Isabelle Hung.

Each session has two aims:

  1. introduce a divorce related topic
  2. answer any emotional questions that you might have.  For example, is there a difficult conversation that you want to help plan?  Does your child not want to visit your ex?  Is your child not speaking with you? Are you ready to date?

Divorce will affect everything going forward but it can be an opportunity to transform yourself and your life too. If you want to know something about any aspect of your divorce you can put your question to Isabelle on the night or alternatively you can email your question to isabelle@divorceclub.com before the event.

As we all know, divorce coaching is expensive so this is a great opportunity for our members to receive valuable advice as part of your membership fee.

Alternatively if you have a private question, email isabellehung@divorceclub.com

Monhly topics:

January – Better sleep.  The science vs the myths

February – Dealing with difficult emotions

March – How to move on and create a satisfying life.

April – Forgiving your ex – should you or shouldn’t you?

May – Narrative therapy – redifine your divorce narrative

June – Improving communication – common pitfalls and overcoming them

July – What is your attachment style and how it affects your relationships

August – Rethinking sex and intimacy in a long term relationships and beyond

September – Learning from past relationships

October – Self-compassion – how this is a cornerstone of mental health

November – How to set boundaries

December – Tree of life – understanding your identity from your past, and how this informs the next chapter

To access each event:

This event and many others are included free for Divorce Club members. Members must register for each event below to receive the online events details and Zoom link.

To get 14 days free access & learn more about joining Divorce Club head over to our membership page


Complete the form to register for this event. 

Please note that only paying members of Divorce Club will receive the access link (use the same email you joined with). If you are not yet a member you can join today (see below).

Your host…

Isabelle Hung

Isabelle Hung

Divorce Club Founder


Become a member…

This event and hundreds more like this one are Free to paying members on Divorce Club. For more details on becoming a member of Divorce Club tap on Membership info button…

Picture of Dr Isabelle Hung

Dr Isabelle Hung

Dr Isabelle Hung is a co-founder of divorceclub.com and a clinical psychologist. Having got through her own divorce, she is now remarried and happy to report that divorce really is an opportunity for growth and positive change.