Bella Duncan, founder of A Kid With Two Homes, will offer a kid’s perspective when it comes to the holidays and navigating circumstances arising from divorce. After the half hour talk, you’ll get a chance to ask Bella questions and hear what others in the same situation are asking. At the end of this event you should have:
About Bella
Motivated by putting her words into actions, Bella is an empowered kid of divorce who is determined to make change for the better. Bella has recently completed a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Psychology. Bella has gone between two homes since her parents divorced when she was aged 3. Growing up in two homes, she experienced first-hand many of the issues children of divorce face. As a young adult she is inspired to provide a helpful resource to help kids of divorce feel seen, heard and less alone.
Check out Bella’s website here
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Isabelle Hung
Divorce Club Founder
This event and hundreds more like this one are Free to paying members on Divorce Club. For more details on becoming a member of Divorce Club tap on Membership info button…
Dr Isabelle Hung is a co-founder of divorceclub.com and a clinical psychologist. Having got through her own divorce, she is now remarried and happy to report that divorce really is an opportunity for growth and positive change.